Contact Us

Please use the form below to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
You can also telephone us on 07724 832043 during opening hours. If we are not open then leave a message and we will get back to you.

If you need our help when we are closed then please email us or send a message via Facebook Messenger (Towcester foodbank). Both are checked regularly and we will respond to you.

Email us

Contact details

Phone us

07724 832043


We are based at:

St John Ambulance Hall
Islington Road
NN12 6AU


Our postal address is:

Towcester Foodbank PO Box 8035
NN12 9DL


If you need food then call us 07724 832043 during our opening hours. If we do not answer then please leave a message with your name, phone number and request and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively, you can contact us via Facebook Messenger: towcesterfoodbank for a more immediate response.

Directions via Google Maps