
Here are the opening times and location for our foodbank centre.


We are based at:

St John Ambulance Hall
Islington Road
NN12 6AU


Our postal address is:

Towcester Foodbank PO Box 8035
NN12 9DL


If you need food then call us 07724 832043 during our opening hours. If we do not answer then please leave a message with your name, phone number and request and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively, you can contact us via Facebook Messenger: towcesterfoodbank for a more immediate response.

Directions via Google Maps

Local transport links

Buses: 88, X91.

The 88 bus goes between Silverstone and Northampton via Towcester and Blisworth.

The X91 covers the route between Silverstone and Milton Keynes via Towcester


Need to access food
Important - If you need food just come to the foodbank or give us a call - Find out more

Towcester Foodbank (at St John Ambulance Hall)

07724 832043 (during opening hours)

Opening times
Mon Closed
Tue 12:00 - 14:00
Wed Closed
Thu Closed
Fri 10:30 - 12:30
Sat Closed
Sun Closed


St John Ambulance Hall
Islington Road
NN12 6AU

Directions via Google Maps